13 Pavements

Sunday, February 12, 2012

In Olive News

 This pretty much sums up Olive's week.  Well, and mine.  Cause, you know, when my kid has been sick for days and days and won't sleep and wakes up in the middle of the night for hours my face ends up looking like this, too.  It's been a pretty serious case of the crappy blahs around here with only a day or two in between illnesses.  As a result, my house looks the carnage of an overtired, fevered, and bored toddler.  Cause that's exactly  what happened to it.  And as a result of that,  my energy died, I said to heck with cleaning, and The Husband and I have spent almost every night on the couch watching movies that mostly feature Ryan Gosling.  (That may or may not be my fault.)
 On Miss Olive's good days we have tried to be as productive as we can.  No, that's giving myself too much credit.  We just tried actually leave the house.  Therapy seemed as good a reason as any.  She was slightly more cooperative than she has been the last few weeks with her new OT, so here's hoping that sticks.  We had a meeting to discuss her preschool options (Preschool! What?) last week, trying to find the program that will be most beneficial to her and give her the best services.  The thought of leaving her therapists and family resource coordinator (Hi, Becky!) is giving me hives.  I don't have to think about it till April.  So I'm not going to.

We squeezed in some time with this chicky in between therapy sessions and fevers.

 Attempting to ward off all the yuck that was on it's way, Liv dressed in the best outfit ever.  Despite all her sunshine, this particular outing ended with her in tears and a sudden fever.  Again.

 Sometimes you just need to sit in a pink tent, dressed in every item of clothing you can find, and play with electronics.  And that is just the only way to feel better.  Right?

Sigh.  I think she is finally on the mend.  Her sickness seem to hit harder and last longer post-cancer than they did before.  Sick Olive is a sad Olive.  And with this illness she learned how to scowl.  And furrow her eyebrows.  Sick, sad, scowling, furrowed eyebrow Olive.  

So here's to a new week, Valentine's Day, geneticist appointments, and highly anticipated trips! (Texas!  Utah!  Are people generally this excited to see their grandma?  No?  Just me? )

Is this not the best thing you've ever seen?


  1. Sweet Olive! Hope the yucky sickness bugs stay away!

  2. My little Ava has that same tent and loves it! And getting excited to see your grandma is normal.
    give her a big squeeze for me and have a fun trip.
